Contribute to Assist Silentlambs!
Silentlambs is listed as a 501 C 3 Non-Profit organization all your donations are tax deductable.
Make your support of Silentlambs known by joining the Silentlambs organization. Below for your convenience we have integrated donation buttons.
Where does the money go? To mention a few areas, the website and enhancements to help education, the hotline that provides a place for abuse survivors to obtain assistance on a one to one basis, we assist abuse survivors financially as we can for their attendance at silentlambs events and court hearings to support abuse survivors. Travel and educational seminars to protect children provided through the silentlambs organization. We provide educational materials and merchandise at no charge to abuse survivors as funds are available to do so. All work is voluntary and no salary is taken for personal benefit. When you support Silentlambs your donation goes 100% to abuse survivors and programs to protect children.
If you wish to make regular monthly donations that can be deducted from your checking account look toward the bottom of this page.
You can make your donation through Paypal by making your selection below or send check or money orders to this address: Make checks payable to: silentlambs, 1396 Market St Dayton, TN 37321
We Thank You ahead of time for your help and support of silentlambs.