$100 bounty offered to Jehovah’s Witnesses

$100 bounty offered to Jehovah’s Witnesses

"Without mandatory reporting we don't feel that as ministers of religion that's our obligation to do that," Mr O'Brien said.

“However, the organisation would encourage the victim to report it and would co-operate fully with police, he said.”

The above is a quote from an Australian news report based on an inquiry into the policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses on abuse. The last part of that statement is a blatant and bald faced lie as nowhere in any literature of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a victim encouraged to go to the police or cooperate fully with the police.  The PR spokesman was of course, not challenged on this statement but we would offer any member of Jehovah’s Witnesses an opportunity to find one place where this statement can be supported in their literature. 

Some years ago an old time member of Jehovah’s Witnesses would go door to door and offer $100 to anyone that could show him the word ‘trinity’ in the Bible.  Well at Silentlambs we feel this is a great time to make a similar offer to all Jehovah’s Witnesses.  We will provide any member with a crisp new $100 bill if the can find one place in their literature where a victim is encouraged to report child abuse to authorities and cooperate fully with police.

We view it as an investment into the future of children of Jehovah’s Witnesses as we would be glad to publicize it on the Silentlambs website.  On the other hand if you cannot find this anywhere in JW literature we would ask that all members write and ask the Governing Body why they have not done so after paying out millions of dollars of Worldwide Work donated funding to lawyers to defend pedophiles?  In addition, make a firm request to the Governing Body that this adjustment appear as soon as possible on the pages of the Watchtower magazine to help protect children.

So brothers and sisters if the above statement by the public relations spokesman is true you can make some easy money and if not you might seriously question why officials are misrepresenting facts to the media.




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