April is child abuse awareness month!

Suggestions on what we might do to raise abuse awareness in our local communities

•  Go by local abuse organizations and drop off information about silentlambs and ask if they would like to have a video for their library. Offer to bring by copies of silentlambs brochures that are printable off the website.

•  Find out what events are going to be talking place in the local community such as walks or other gatherings and wear a silentlambs t-shirt and bring video and brochures to distribute or loan out to those interested in reviewing.

•  “Friendly” honk when you drive by a Kingdom Hall during the month of April.

• Participate in the "Lambs To Protect Kids" Campaign,  

• Distribute brochures to public places that offer information ask permission if required to do so. 

•  March in Washington DC on April 10th of this year. 

•  Offer the silentlambs abuse awareness program to local institutions in your area.

•  Join your local rape abuse hotline or shelter and participate in their education programs to be accredited to volunteer and offer assistance to other abuse survivors.

•  Wear a silentlambs pin where ever you go and explain to those who see it what it stands for.

•  Write your story of abuse to the local newspaper or television station and ask if they want to do a story.

•  Leave the “If your child becomes a victim” silentlambs material along with a stuffed lamb on Kingdom Halls and other churches in your area.


Archive #2 release from silentlambs


The Roots of Pedophilia