Brother Capazzo Turns Himself In
Bradford paedophile jailed for abuse of boys
6:00am Saturday 27th July 2013 in Bradford
Massimo Capazzo
A paedophile who subjected two young boys to “truly wicked” acts of depravity over a five-year period has been jailed for more than six years.
Massimo Capazzo’s offending against the boys was brought to the attention of the police after he confessed to some of his crimes last summer.
Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday Capazzo, 41, who was formerly known as Andrew Collins, had been a member of the Jehovah’s Witness faith.
Prosecutor Sophie Drake said his behaviour had been brought to the attention of the elders at a Bradford place of worship and he was “disfellowed”. She said: “Although he was shunned by the congregation he was still allowed to attend meetings. At that time matters were not brought to the attention of the police.”
But last year Capazzo, of Brookfield Road, Pollard Park, Bradford, walked into a police station and told officers he wanted to confess to clear his conscience because he had committed “a terrible crime”.
Miss Drake described how the Capazzo had plied the two boys, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, with strong alcohol and shown then adult horror and pornographic films.
The court heard that one of the youngsters described becoming “numb” to the sexual abuse and estimated that he had performed sex acts on Capazzo between 40 and 50 times.
Capazzo might also have filmed some abuse and Miss Drake said his offending had had a profound and continuing effect on the boys who are now adults.
In their victim personal statements they described feelings of worthlessness and guilt and Miss Drake said they had needed professional help.
Capazzo, who had no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to a series of sex charges including indecent assaults and sexual activity with a child.
His barrister Yunus Valli said the most significant mitigating feature of the case was the fact that his client had walked in to the police station and confessed his crimes.
He said his client clearly knew what he had done was wrong.
Judge John Potter said Capazzo would receive credit for his admissions, but he noted that when he went to the police he only accepted abusing one of the boys. He told Capazzo that the abuse was a gross breach of trust and instead of respecting that trust he had groomed both boys and then subjected them to serious sexual violation.
The judge said the complainants had both battled, and continued to battle, with the psychological effects caused by the defendant’s “truly wicked acts”.
“This was, Mr Capazzo, systematic child abuse,” said Judge Potter.
The judge jailed Capazzo for a total of six years and eight months.
The defendant will also be subject to an indefinite sexual offences prevention order which restricts his contact with children and he will have to register as a sex offender with the police for the rest of his life.