Brother Perfetto Busted!


A few months ago Jonathan Perfetto a Jehovah’s Witness in good standing requested to attend meetings at his local Kingdom Hall.  This was a problem as he was a convicted sex offender and not allowed to be around children.  Well the brothers went to bat for Brother Perfetto and volunteered to ‘monitor’ him as he was now baptized, had put on the ‘new personality’ and thus in their estimation deserved to be in the presence of children.  The Jehovah’s Witness attorneys went all the way to the New Hampshire Supreme court to defend Brother Perfetto’s religion right to worship and practice his religion with any and all Jehovah’s Witness children that happened to be around while he went about church activities.  An elder even volunteered to be a special ‘chaparone’ to make sure of Brother Perfetto’s ‘new personality’ and confirm he would never drift back to his former worldly ways or molesting children.


“A lower court denied Perfetto's request to attend Jehovah's Witnesses services with a church elder acting as chaperone.”


We are sure the entire congregation felt very secure that the Shepard’s of the flock were taking such good care of this situation.  It seems Brother Perfetto was limited to telephone hook ups for listening to meetings and the visits of his local congregation members for encouragement.


Sadly it would appear the elders did not monitor him very well.  Less than six months after being denied by the supreme court of New Hampshire meeting attendance with children, Brother Perfetto was arrested for child porn.  You see he bought a laptop and within two weeks managed to fill it with kiddy porn before returning it.   Was this some twisted type of informal witnessing?  Did he count time?  What would the “chaperone/elder” that was monitoring him have to say about this?  Will the congregation rally to his support as there were no eye witnesses?  Wait, he confessed so perhaps that means he is repentant.  As a result the Jehovah’s Witness mandate requires that he be given spiritual support and many visits of encouragement while interred in prison.  We have to wonder if as in an earlier case in New Hampshire Jehovah’s Witnesses will appear at his sentencing hearing as ‘character’ witnesses.  Many clamed they would like the convicted child molester to baby sit their own children at that time.  Will history repeat itself?   


This story illustrates the key issue with pedophiles.  They never stop and the average molester will hurt over 200 children in their life time.  The only way to protect children is to have them incarcerated and or monitored and medicated at all times.   Jehovah’s Witness elders have zero training on how to monitor pedophiles as well as no certification or requirements to assist on how to keep a child molester watched to limit their access to children. For those reasons every single congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has in their history multiple cases or unreported child molestation.  It is a matter of permanent record in the files located in each Kingdom Hall around the world.  It is also further confirmed in the database maintained by the home office (Service Department) in which over 25,000 child molesters’ religious right to confidentiality protects them from being reported to authorities.  Make no mistake Jehovah’s Witnesses shield and support child molesters and create a ‘pedophile paradise’ that allows them to continue to access children while silencing victims through shunning and the two eye witness policy.


Brother Perfetto is now receiving the benefits of being a pedophile Jehovah’s Witness.  We just hope this information will make any Jehovah’s Witness think twice before going before a Judge and saying they wouldn’t mind him babysitting their children.      

On January 4, 2011 Jonathan Perfetto, 36, of Manchester, NH was arrested on 5 counts of child sexual abuse images (child pornography). On December 24, 2010 a report was filed by a local pawn shop from which Perfetto pawned his computer. The pawn shop discovered concerning images on the computer and contacted the Manchester Police Department. A forensic examination of the computer was conducted and images of child pornography were discovered. Perfetto has been previously convicted for numerous counts of child pornography and is classified as a tier III sex offender in the State of NH.


Child porn on laptop, police say

Sex offender lived in Concord garage

By Maddie Hanna / Monitor staff

January 6, 2011

On January 4, 2011 Jonathan Perfetto, 36, of Manchester, NH was arrested on 5 counts of child sexual abuse images (child pornography). On December 24, 2010 a report was filed by a local pawn shop from which Perfetto pawned his computer. The pawn shop discovered concerning images on the computer and contacted the Manchester Police Department. A forensic examination of the computer was conducted and images of child pornography were discovered. Perfetto has been previously convicted for numerous counts of child pornography and is classified as a tier III sex offender in the State of NH. article tools

A repeat sex offender who briefly lived in a Concord parking garage after serving a prison sentence has again been arrested and charged with possessing child pornography. Jonathan Perfetto, 36, of Manchester was reported to the police last month by a Manchester pawn shop owner, who found pornographic images on a laptop Perfetto had sold, according to the Manchester police. Perfetto, who had bought the laptop from the shop several weeks earlier, told the police he was having urges for children and received pornographic images from people over the internet, a number of which he saved to his laptop so he could "burn them to a CD-R for later use," according to a police affidavit. The police arrested him Tuesday and charged him with five counts of possession of child pornography. He was ordered held on $100,000 cash bail during an arraignment yesterday in Manchester District Court.

The arrest marks the latest in a series of sex-related charges against Perfetto, who told the Monitor in 2008 that at the age of 17 he began sexually assaulting people, including a young relative. For that assault, he served a short sentence at the Sununu Youth Services Center in Manchester. In 1999, he was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman and was sent to the Merrimack County jail, where he stayed until July 2000. But he was caught with child pornography on his laptop in 2001 and arrested. He pleaded guilty in March 2002 to 61 counts of possession of child pornography.

On those charges, Perfetto was sentenced to 3½ to seven years in state prison, with a 14- to 28-year sentence suspended for 10 years on condition of good behavior. He left prison without the supervision of a parole officer in October 2008 after maxing out his sentence. He couldn't find housing and slept in a Concord parking garage, telling the Monitor he was scared he would reoffend. Although he soon found a place to rent in Manchester, he was sent back to jail in 2009 after he was convicted of making a false report about his cellmate in the prison. He left the Hillsborough County jail Nov. 16, and since then had been living in a furnished room on Chestnut Street in Manchester, according to his mother, Jackie Bennett.

Bennett, who previously expressed concern that Perfetto wasn't being monitored after his release, said in a phone conversation yesterday that she was upset to learn of the latest charges.

Since getting out of jail in November, Perfetto had been seeing a therapist once a week, and "he seemed to be doing pretty well," Bennett said. Bennett, who lives in Manchester, said she had seen Perfetto often in the past two months and supervised him on trips to the library. She said Perfetto is still a practicing Jehovah's Witness, though the state Supreme Court recently denied his request to be allowed to worship at a congregation where children might be present. Perfetto also talked about moving out of state and starting life over, Bennett said.

"I just don't understand why Jonathan did this," she said. "It doesn't make any sense to me." According to the police affidavit, Perfetto bought the computer Dec. 2 and sold it back to the shop Dec. 24. As part of his practice, the owner of the shop - N.H. Pawn Shop on Elm Street - inspected the computer's contents, according to the affidavit. He called the police after finding pornographic images, which the police said were saved on the computer's desktop in a folder named "John," according to the affidavit. Perfetto told the police he was the only person who had control over the computer, according to the affidavit. Possession of child pornography is a felony carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. State statute says anyone previously convicted of child pornography can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.

Prosecutors may also seek to impose the suspended sentence Perfetto received when he pleaded guilty to the child pornography charges in 2002.

Barbara Keshen, the staff attorney with the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union who represented Perfetto in his appeal to the Supreme Court, said in September that Perfetto's suspended sentence barred him from owning or accessing a computer. Maureen O'Neil of the Hillsborough County Attorney's Office, who prosecuted the earlier pornography charges against Perfetto, said she didn't have access to Perfetto's file yesterday and couldn't comment on the conditions of the suspended sentence. "We will be reviewing his closed file in relation to the new arrest," she said.

(Maddie Hanna can be reached at 369-3321 or


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