Dead Baby-Abuse?



Investigation of dead baby whose parents hid it

Monday; August 4, 2008


The Scientific Crime and Penal Investigative Body is investigating the death of a baby whose body was found hidden allegedly by its parents in the hopes of resurrecting it.


The parents, who belong to the religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses, had hidden the cadaver of their four-months-old son in a room at the family's residence in Caracas during a week.


Police officers who found the baby's body inform that the defendants, five people in all, didn't know how to explain what had happened and said they had the baby in the room because they expected it to be resurrrected, according to information today from various local sources.


They investigate the death of a baby whose parents would have hidden it Monday, August 4, 2008 2:52 PM | The Corps of Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC) investigates the death of a baby whose body was allegedly hidden by his parents waiting for him to be resurrected. The parents, belonging to the Jehovah's Witnesses religious community, reportedly hid the body of their four-month-old son in a room at the family residence in Caracas for a week. Police officials who found the baby's body said that the detainees, five people in total, could not explain what happened and said they had the baby in the room because they expected him to be resurrected, according to various local media reports today.


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