There has been much buzz on the internet in the last few weeks over the self proclaimed hacker known as “Anonymous”. The premise is they are above the law and illegally hack into computers of people that they deem as bad to obtain information. Recently in June Candace Conti won a lawsuit over child abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many abuse survivors and xjws applauded the successful effort to bring judgment against Jehovah’s Witnesses for their crimes against children. It should be remembered that many others worked for years behind the scenes to help this boulder be pushed up the hill to prove the injustice against children committed by the policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The book is written by California prosecutor Burke Strunsky. In chapter seven the case of
Gilbert Simental was highlighted. He was convicted of molesting multiple JW children.
In 2008 Silentlambs worked with Mr. Strunsky on this case. The case was successful and resulted in a prison sentence for the pedophile.

Charlie Jones was just 8 years old when he was the victim of sexual abuse by a family friend. It happened when his parents left him, his sister and a friend with their “brother” in the Jehovah’s Witnesses a few times.
“He’d take me to the other room and molest me back there,” Jones said. This abuse happened on at least two occasions that Jones can remember, and each time the other two children were told that Jones had misbehaved and was about to receive punishment.

In what both sides described as a momentous ruling, a jury in Oakland, Calif., has found that Jehovah’s Witnesses was partly responsible for the alleged sexual abuse of a girl by one of its members and must pay her more than $20 million.

Watchtower Loses Trial on Abuse!
Twelve years ago Silentlambs assisted the first lawsuits for abuse survivors. In 2001 over fifty lawsuits were filed by several different law firms with the help of Silentlambs. Over the course of the next seven years over 10,000 hours of consultation, documentation, and content practices were provided to assist with building a legal framework for victims to have the ability to seek compensation. In May 2007 Silentlambs had a press conference announcing that Jehovah’s Witnesses had paid a major settlement to sixteen victims of their policy on abuse. It was shown this settlement was in excess of twelve million dollars and the largest in the history of the organization to be paid out to victims. The problem was that the Jehovah’s Witness legal department made all the victims sign gag orders that prevented them from ever speaking publicly about what happened.

McLean JW Molester in Toronto?
A U.S. fugitive who police say uses his position as a ministerial servant of the Jehovah Witness to get close to children is being sought for allegedly molesting four youngsters in California.
Frederick Cecil McLean, 61, is among the U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted fugitives and is believed to be hiding in the GTA, officers of Toronto Police’s Fugitive Squad said on Wednesday.

Brother Kozelisky long time Ministerial servant Sentenced!
“The long time ministerial servant, son of the city overseer in Port Townsend WA gets the max they could give him. It's ironic that his father and other long time elders have been hiding another long time molester in their hall, and the victims keep piling up!"

Brother Wood Says He Did Not Do It.
A Suffolk Jehovah’s Witness accused of sexually assaulting three girls tried to rape one of them while his wife was in hospital having their second child, it has been alleged.
Paul Wood tried to force himself on the 14-year-old girl at his home in Sudbury and allegedly hit her in the face, Ipswich Crown Court heard.
As a result of the alleged blow the girl suffered a cut to her face and thought she may have lost consciousness, said Andrew Thompson, prosecuting.

A SERIAL pedophile jailed indefinitely for being unwilling to control his sexual urges could be released from custody.
Supreme Court Justice Margaret Nyland today said she would allow Mark Trevor Marshall to apply for his release if appropriate accommodation was confirmed.

Silentlambs Alert!
On different occasions Silentlambs has reported that child molesters are encouraged to go door to door to the unsuspecting public. We have documented cases where JW pedophiles have started Bible Studies with families and then molested their children. In 1992 a panel from the Awake writing department made three recommendations in a fifty page report documenting rampant pedophilia within the organization to the then acting Governing Body (leadership for Jehovah’s Witnesses). Those three recommendations were;

Brother Allen Busted Again?
Brother Allen Busted Again?
A sister reports;
“He is a member of the Ocala North Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ocala Florida.”

Three Elders Protect Pedhphile
Watchtower Policy continues and after eleven years they are still pulling this stunt. Thousands of pedophiles giggle when they learn being a Jehovah's Witness will give them unlimited access to children with elders backing them up in court if the molested child ever comes forward. 'Pedophile Paradise' indeed...

Brother Cook Busted?
It has been reported to Silentlambs that Bert Cook is in fact a Jehovah’s Witness. Jehovah’s Witnesses routinely try the hide it when their members get caught and arrested molesting children as they believe it will bring reproach on Jehovah’s name. They think by hiding it they are protecting their reputation. Well yes it helps to show the rampant problem with abuse and why pedophiles flock to be Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are protected and even supported when they go to court. Will Brother Cook have multiple Jehovah’s Witnesses go to court for him as ‘character witnesses’ to get him out of being convicted or having a long sentence? Well numerous pedophiles have. Look at the Paul Berry trial. Silentlambs reports people like brother Cook to allow the public be informed and also to help Jehovah’s Witnesses to be aware of how much child sexual abuse is covered up within the organization.

Australia JW's Avoid Law on Background Checks
A FORMER Jehovah's Witness is to launch a private criminal prosecution against the religion's world headquarters.
His action is in protest at its refusal to require church elders to submit to Working With Children police checks in Victoria
Steven Unthank, who says he was a victim of sexual assault by a church elder in Queensland, says he is taking the drastic step to protect children within the religion and at homes where Jehovah's Witnesses doorknock.

Brother Perfetto Busted!
A few months ago Jonathan Perfetto a Jehovah’s Witness in good standing requested to attend meetings at his local Kingdom Hall. This was a problem as he was a convicted sex offender and not allowed to be around children. Well the brothers went to bat for Brother Perfetto and volunteered to ‘monitor’ him as he was now baptized, had put on the ‘new personality’ and thus in their estimation deserved to be in the presence of children. The Jehovah’s Witness attorneys went all the way to the New Hampshire Supreme court to defend Brother Perfetto’s religion right to worship and practice his religion with any and all Jehovah’s Witness children that happened to be around while he went about church activities. An elder even volunteered to be a special ‘chaparone’ to make sure of Brother Perfetto’s ‘new personality’ and confirm he would never drift back to his former worldly ways or molesting children.

Back in the mid-1990's, when I knew him, he was a member of the Hernando Congregation in Citrus Co., Florida. He was targeting 14 year old girls in the hall, ended up molesting one in a nearby congregation, then went on to have a string of 14 year olds in the Inverness area that he molested. He got one of the girls pregnant, took her for an abortion, then took the girl across state lines to Georgia, where he was apprehended and arrested.

Silentlambs Marks Eleven Years
Silentlambs needs your help. This is the time of year when you often see many people requesting assistance in the form of donations to assist those in need. The economic downturn has had a devastating effect on most charities. Many people are just trying to paying the rent and utility bills and have little else to contribute to others. So we have all had to tighten our belt and try to move forward in a meaningful way.

Rapist evaded justice for years
A RAPIST evaded justice for 25 years because Jehovah’s Witnesses did nothing when told about his child sex abuse, a court heard.
Anthony Burns, aged 54, was confronted with his crimes against a young child in the 1980s but no action was taken by the religious organisation.
Burns repeatedly abused a girl as young as nine years old, from 1977 until 1984 when she revealed what had been happening.

On November 11, 2010 the Swiss program ‘Present Time’ aired a documentary on Jehovah’s Witnesses and the abuse scandal. The program is in French and approximately one hour long. Below is a rough translation of the description of the program.

Women who have been members of Jehovah’s Witness in Iceland claim that sexual and domestic violence is practiced within the congregation and that such offenses are hushed up.
Svanberg Jakobsson, spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witness in Iceland, confirmed to ruv.is that suspicion of such offenses have surfaced within the congregation but denied that they are hushed up.